General Insects
Biting & Stinging Insects
Seasonal Invaders
Seasonal Invaders
Residential and Commercial Pest Control With Guaranteed Results
Guardian Pest Control Services can help you with any pest or wildlife animal and rodent control. There are many different types of common insect infestations we get called for including earwigs, silverfish, lady bugs and more. Our technicians are fully licensed, bonded and insured state certified technicians. We will eliminate any pest issue you have!
Some are just a nuisance while others can be damaging to your home. Whatever the ant issue you are having we will eliminate the ants safely and effectively with baiting and other treatments depending on your situation.
Nuisance Ants
Some of the most common nuisance ants include:
Pavement Ant: Tiny black any commonly found in the cracks of walkways
Citronella Ant: Not a termite although they look like it, crush one and you will smell citronella.
Odorous House Ant: Small ants known for forging trails into your home through small cracks, windows or doors.
Carpenter Ants
These ants don’t eat the wood they chew it away to build tunnels and their nests causing damage to your home. Carpenter ants like water damaged wood, moist wood areas near plumbing or moist areas. If you notice saw dust piles near your homes exterior walls or inside of you home mainly near plumbing you may have an infestation.
Carpenter Ant Prevention
Keep firewood away from buildings / Replace water damaged wood inside.
Trim trees that overhang your home / Keep mulch away from touching the exterior wood walls or siding / Keep indoor lumber dry and up off floor.
The most common beetles outside we get called for is the Asian / Japanese Beetle, inside the home beetles are Carpet Beetles, Confused Flour Beetles and Red Flour Beetles.
Asian / Japanese Beetles, these types of beetles feed on your plants and trees. They often will harm or kill your plants and trees. You can identify them by either seeing them on leaves or by small holes they have eaten away on leafs.
The Confused Flour Beetle and the Red Flour Beetle both have wings but only the Red Flour Beetle is a good flyer. You will notice these beetles near store bought flour or cereal items in your home.
The Carpet Beetle feed on animal based products such as leather, fur, wool and animal hair. The Carpet Beetle can live in pillows, carpet, furniture and can spread fast.
Fleas are a common pest issue when cats or dogs are present. Not only can fleas be an issue for your pets but flea bites can be very harmful to humans. Fleas can carry diseases such as tapeworm parasite, murine typhus and bubonic plaque.
Preventive Measures
Properly vacuum carpets often, especially where pets tend to rest. Wash pet bedding regularly in hot water to kill eggs and adult cocoons and, if possible, place pet bedding in places without carpeting around. Any type of flea & tick medicine or drops advised by your veterinarian can also help.
Getting Rid Of Fleas
Effective flea control involves 3 steps: Sanitation, Incecticide Application and On Animal Flea Control.
If you have pets, it is important to prevent fleas from infestations of your carpeting and bedding. Our trained technicians have the knowledge and have experienced many flea issues. Our licensed technician will inspect and go over options for the best treatment for your situation.
Flies – Household, Fruit, Drain & Others
Guardian Pest Control trained technicians can come out to inspect and identify which fly you are having a problem with so we can explain all options available to you.
Moth Flies also called Drain Flies
These type of flies can be very annoying for customers at a bar or restaurant or even in your home. Drain Flies are small ( hairy ) flies that are poor fliers and infest drains, dirty garbage containers & septic tanks. Drain Flies can become an infestation quickly.
Household Flies
Flies are not just annoying they are some of the filthiest of pests. Flies can carry bacterial disease, viruses and other harmful germs. Flies can also contaminate food left on the counter.
There are thousands of different species of flies but in the Midwest we mostly get called for the House and Fruit Fly. The female House fly can lay 400-600 eggs on decaying matter or feces.
Fruit Flies
The Fruit Fly will mostly be seen near moist areas, old wine glasses and fruit. These flies can also be contaminating to your food. The best way to control fruit flies is to eliminate the breeding source such as fruit left out.
Indian Meal Moths are the most common stored product pest found in homes, food processing facilities, dog food, grains, bird seed and many other products around home. If you have a problem with Indian Meal Moths you will see flying moths and you will soon find the larvae and their webbing in a stored products.
Other common nuisance moth would be a clothes moth or carpet moth. These types of moths can cause damage to fabric inside your home.
If you notice moth damage in your home call us today so we can inspect the area for an infestation and eliminate any moth problem you may have.
A common misconception about having roaches is you must have a dirty home or business. This is far from the truth. Roaches can be transported into the cleanest homes by boxes, bags, or even used appliances. Due to their prolific nature, one female roach can produce up to 30 offspring, infesting your home within a month. Roaches are very secretive and spend most of their time in dark areas only coming out at night to feed crawling over your food and dishes.
Only a trained technician will do a thorough inspection and will be able to uncover their secretive nests and apply a safe product to eliminate this threat. Our roach treatment is backed by years of experience and guaranteed to rid your home or business of this pest. All of this without locking you into a year long contract! Call Guardian Pest Control to set up an inspection today!
If you thought you just saw a silver flash under your bathroom sink or your linen closet, you may have a problem with Silverfish. This carrot shaped insect of the dark feeds on book bindings, the backing of wallpaper, linens, and a wide variety of food containing proteins and carbs. Their droppings can also leave yellow stains on your favorite sheets! Their cousin the firebrat looks very similar however loves extreme heat and are typically found in furnace rooms and attics due to the temperatures in these areas. Call today for an inspection.
All spiders are poisonous, however there are only a few that have enough poison to harm a human. Most spider bites result in swelling, itching and bruising.
There are two classifications of spiders to quickly help identify which species you are dealing with: Hunting Spiders such as Wolf Spiders and Web Spinning such as House Spiders.
Spiders are commonly found in dark places such as basements and attics or outside in garages or barns. The webs can be annoying and gross!
If you have a fear of spiders like most people then treatment is the way to help control these creepy crawling nuisance pests. Our technicians are state certified and can help get rid of spiders in your home.
Stink Bugs
The size of the bugs and their unpleasant smell upsets most homeowners. Even though stink bugs do not normally bite people, they can be nuisances when they get into homes because of their numbers. Many homeowners use a vacuum cleaner to remove stink bugs from the walls and windows of their homes. However, the bugs may cause the vacuum to have an unpleasant odor for a while. Adult stink bugs start seeking an overwintering site in late summer. In cities and suburbs, the bugs often gather on the sides of houses. If they find cracks or holes, the bugs move inside the house. In spring, these stink bugs become active. They begin to seek a way outside, but they often come out into the living space of the home.
In recent years this invasive insect has increased in the Midwest. Stink Bugs are not known to be harmful or cause structural damage, however they can cause allergic reactions in some people and harm to food crops. Stink Bugs are a nuisance in any home or business and they tend to gather by furniture, drapes, baseboards, under siding and more making them difficult to control without the experience of a licensed professional.
If you are seeing Stink Bugs and need a professional with the experience of how to handle your specific removal needs call Guardian Pest Control today! We offer a complete inspection of exterior and interior to see where they are most likely entering from, we use pet friendly spays to eliminate and control Stink Bugs and other insects from entering your home or business and offer any other repairs or caulking needed to control these insects.
Termites are subterranean and may go unnoticed until the winged reproductives “swarm “ from or inside the structure. This is also the time where you are most likely to find discarded wings that look like small fish scales mostly in the spring. Other evidence of termites can be wood damage & mud tubes.
Biting & Stinging Insects
Bed Bugs
Identifying Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs are a serious issue, if you notice any of the signs for bed bugs such as bites, their case skins when they shed, droppings or seeing them call us immediately for treatment! Another way you can spot bed bug issues is by tiny blood stains on your sheets, which is their droppings. Bed Bugs are tiny ( 4-5 mm long ) bugs that are flat and have a reddish, brown color to them.
If you have a fear or allergic reactions to bees then you will want us to come out and eliminate the nests so you can enjoy your outdoor living. While most bees are not aggressive unless provoked if you have a concern of an allergy from a bee sting then bee issues need to be handled by a licensed professional at Guardian Pest Control Services.
Carpenter Bees
Carpenter Bees are damaging to decks, fences and other exposed wood around your exterior living space. These bees don’t eat the wood they excavate the wood to build their nests. Look for small ½” holes with saw dust below the hole in railings, wood furniture and other wood outside. Carpenter Bees typically don’t sting humans but they do get territorial when near the nest swarming all around you with a loud buzzing sound.
Wasps & Hornets
Wasps and Hornets are dangerous and can cause serious pain from their stings and can life threatening if you are allergic.
The best way to get rid of wasps and hornets is to locate the nest and treat.
Treating nests is a dangerous job that should only be handled by a licensed professional. We will treat all of your problem areas so you can enjoy your outdoor space again.
Maintenance Plans
We also provide regularly scheduled treatments for population reduction in your yard so you can enjoy your summer with less
Fleas are a common pest issue when cats or dogs are present. Not only can fleas be an issue for your pets but flea bites can be very harmful to humans. Fleas can carry diseases such as tapeworm parasite, murine typhus and bubonic plaque.
Preventive Measures
Properly vacuum carpets often, especially where pets tend to rest. Wash pet bedding regularly in hot water to kill eggs and adult cocoons and, if possible, place pet bedding in places without carpeting around. Any type of flea & tick medicine or drops advised by your veterinarian can also help.
Getting Rid Of Fleas
Effective flea control involves 3 steps: Sanitation, Incecticide Application and On Animal Flea Control.
If you have pets, it is important to prevent fleas from infestations of your carpeting and bedding. Our trained technicians have the knowledge and have experienced many flea issues. Our licensed technician will inspect and go over options for the best treatment for your situation.
Mosquitoes are some of the most common nuisance pests to humans and pets. While annoying mainly these insects can carry disease, although rare there are cases of The West Nile Virus and Zika in Illinois and Indiana which can be a deadly disease.
Some of the most common places mosquitoes lay their larvae is still standing water, grass, tree holes and plastic containers. The peak biting time is just before and after dusk and before sunrise and only the female mosquito bites.
Mosquito Control for Events
If you are having an outdoor event and you would like to have a mosquito free yard for the evening we can help! While no one can guarantee mosquitoes won’t fly from a neighbor’s yard our technicians can come out and treat your outdoor living area to minimize the amount of mosquitoes hatched that day to give you a more comfortable evening!
Mosquito Maintenance Plans
We also provide regularly scheduled treatments for population reduction in your yard so you can enjoy your summer with less
Ticks are one of the most common carrier of disease. Ticks live in grass, on vegetation or on shrubs, they wait for humans or animals to be near and climb on for feeding. While feeding a tick can feed for up to 7 days and sometimes can be hard to notice. If you or a pet brings a tick in your home then infestation can happen quickly being that a female tick can lay eggs usually in cracks in places such as floor boards.
Most Common Ticks
In our area the most common ticks are the American Dog Tick also known as the Wood Tick, Black Legged Tick ( Deer Tick ), Brown Dog Tick and the Lone Star Tick.
If you encounter a tick
If you find a tick on you or your pet consult your doctor or veterinarian for removal advice the embedded tick. While not all ticks may carry disease there is serious concern of diseases such as Lyme disease that they can pass to you.
Call Guardian Pest Control Services so we can send a licensed professional to inspect for infestation and eliminate your tick issues.
Occasional Seasonal Invaders
Not all insects nest indoors in your home and business, however when these occasional invaders attack it sure feels like they are making themselves at home. They become a nuisance in and around your home when the temperature rises or even in the winter when they overwinter in your home! Here is just a short list of the most common pest which comes inside anytime they feel like it:
Box Elder Bugs
Box elder bugs cluster together in large groups while sunning themselves on warm surfaces near their host tree which usually includes maple, boxelder, and ash. This is especially a problem in the fall when they are seeking a warm place to overwinter. Once they have gained access, they remain inactive behind siding and inside of walls while the weather is cool. Once the heating system becomes active for the season, the insects may falsely perceive it to be springtime and enter your home and business when you don’t expect them. Their excretions could stain your upholstery, carpet, and drapes and they may feed on your indoor plants. We can take care of this nuisance pest for you so call today and we will be right out!
The house centipede lives its entire life inside and due to their nocturnal behavior and quickness, they usually cause quite the scare when encountered. They are predators that are always on the move and can cause a painful bite if handled. They are usually found in basements or other dark and moist areas. They travel up into your living area using the plumbing pipes as a highway. Call for an inspection today!
Clover Mites
Clover Mites often become a serious nuisance pest because of their numbers coming in and are extremely annoying. They are smaller than a pinhead, usually bright red, and have front legs that extend out in front longer than the other legs. They attack a number of grasses and plants in yards and invade homes due to weather conditions and when lawns are treated with fertilizers. This repels them and causes them to come inside. It may be tempting to crush or wipe these pests off your windowsill or wall, but this will only cause stains due to the clover and grasses they eat! If you are being overrun by these invaders please call us today!
The house cricket and the field cricket commonly invade homes and rather than being cute like Jiminy Cricket, their loud chirping is very annoying and can deprive you of sleep. They feed on plant material and can harm ornamental and vegetable plants you may have planted on your deck or around your home. A good inspection will determine how they are getting in followed by proper treatment and we offer both.
Earwigs hide in small moist crevices during the day and are active at night feeding on a wide variety of insects and plants. Sometimes in the summer, they can even be attracted to moist areas in your bathroom and near sinks. Picnic tables, compost and waste bins, patios, lawn furniture, window frames can harbor them. They cause damage to foliage, flowers, and your precious vegetables! Call us today and we can come out and find out their harborage areas!
Ladybugs are often among the first insects to appear in the spring. When the temperature warms up they will swarm into homes and businesses illuminated by the sun. Swarms of them fly to homes and buildings in Autumn to overwinter as adults. They feed on aphids and mites, which means they are welcome and harmful at the same time due to their numbers. We can help you with those numbers of ladybugs today!
Millipedes or “thousand leggers” as they are commonly known are brownish and oval. In dry weather they will migrate out of their normal habitat of damp and decaying matter and may enter buildings in large numbers. Call if you would like us to take care of this pest today!
Pillbugs & Sowbugs
These pests are also known as “roly-polies” since they roll into a ball. They feed on decaying matter and are found under mulch and beneath objects on the damp ground. They frequently invade basements and crawl spaces. A heavy infestation indoors generally means there is a large population outside. If you need help with the pest call us today!
Stink bugs
Stinkbugs release a pungent defensive spray when threatened, disturbed, or crushed which is used to protect themselves and discourage predators. Populations of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug have grown significantly. They are also known as shield bugs due to the generalized body shape of adult bugs which resembles a shield when viewed from above. Nobody (Including your animals) wants these in your home so give us a call today!