Bed Bug Treatment: 5 Common Myths Exposed

Bed bugs


Bed bug infestations are a growing concern for homeowners and business owners alike. Misinformation about these pests leads to ineffective solutions and unnecessary stress. If you’re searching for bed bug treatment in Chicago, IL , it’s essential to separate fact from fiction. Here, we bust the top five myths about bed bugs and reveal the truth behind them. (more…)

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Raccoon Removal Services and prevention by Guardian Pest Control in Chicago, IL

Raccoon in the Wall — Chicago, IL — Guardian Pest ControlAs winter fades into spring, homeowners may notice an uptick in wildlife activity, particularly from raccoons. During their mating season, which typically spans from January to March, these nocturnal creatures often seek shelter in secluded areas such as attics, wall voids, and other quiet corners of residential properties. Unfortunately, this means your home could become an unintended nursery for a family of raccoons.


Understanding raccoon behavior during mating season and recognizing the signs of an infestation are crucial for addressing the issue before it leads to significant damage or health risks. (more…)

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Commercial Pest Control: Protecting Your Business in Northwest Indiana and Chicagoland

Pick-up Truck Parked Outdoors — Chicago, IL — Guardian Pest ControlManaging a business involves balancing multiple priorities—employee welfare, customer satisfaction, operational efficiencies, and maintaining compliance with local regulations. Another often overlooked aspect for businesses is pest control. Commercial pest management plays a fundamental role in protecting your business from potential threats posed by pests, which can jeopardize the health and safety of employees and customers, damage property, and potentially even harm your reputation. (more…)

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The Raccoon – A Frequent Winter Invader & Guest

Raccoons — Chicago, IL — Guardian Pest ControlThe raccoon is sometimes called the masked bandit because of his cute coloration of fur around his eyes that look like a mask and because of his crafty fingers which can open garbage can lids, coolers while camping, and even bird feeders. While this animal may be cute and interesting, when he gets onto your roof, the real meaning of a masked bandit takes place. (more…)

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Preparing Your Home To Avoid Winter Pest Residents

Winter Pest Control — Chicago, IL — Guardian Pest Control

As fall approaches and night temperatures turn cold, we are not the only ones who want to stay where it is heated. Pests who were once satisfied living outdoors, are now on the way into our homes. Searching cracks and crevices, they enter our homes and plan on overwintering with us until the spring. When the average home temperature is around 70 degrees, it makes an easy choice for a pest to either struggle outside and possibly die or continue its lifestyle inside your walls. (more…)

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Paper Wasps: Signs of Infestation

Paper Wasps — Chicago, IL — Guardian Pest ControlIf you’ve ever been outside enjoying a barbecue or working in your garden only to be chased away by aggressive wasps, chances are you’ve encountered paper wasps. These stinging insects can quickly become a nuisance and even pose a threat to your family and pets if they are left unchecked. In this blog post, we’ll explore the signs of a paper wasp infestation and why calling pest control is crucial to deal with these pests effectively.


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Are Yellowjackets Wasps living in your Walls and about to Chew Through your Drywall?

Yellowjacket Wasps — Chicago, IL — Guardian Pest ControlYellowjacket wasps are hostile and can be a hazardous and stinging insect in the Chicago and Northwest Indiana areas, especially in the summer.  Yellowjackets build their nests outside or inside depending on their access to the environments.  Inside, one of the places they like to build their nests is inside the walls of your home.  This can create a potentially hazardous and unwelcome situation.


There are a few different signs to know that you may have Yellowjackets in your walls. (more…)

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Beware, The Bugs Are Coming!

Cicada Insect on Plant — Chicago, IL — Guardian Pest Control

In the pest control industry, a title like that is not only considered an attention grabber, but also a scare tactic. We did want to grab your attention, but only to warn you. The hard truth is this year will be extra heavy with insect activity. Not only did we have one of the wettest Springs in decades, and insects love moisture to grow their colonies, but now they have been given an extra boost of protein from our visiting friends the Cicadas.


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Raccoon Mating Season & What It Can Mean To Your Home

Female Raccoon in the Attic— Chicago, IL — Guardian Pest ControlRaccoons are in mating season right now. If the female raccoon has decided to make a den in your attic, it will sound like fighting or scratching sounds up in your attic. Once the female gets, impregnated she will fight off the male and kick him out of her den. The female does not want the male in her den as he will eat the young.


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