The raccoon is sometimes called the masked bandit because of his cute coloration of fur around his eyes that look like a mask and because of his crafty fingers which can open garbage can lids, coolers while camping, and even bird feeders. While this animal may be cute and interesting, when he gets onto your roof, the real meaning of a masked bandit takes place.
With his cute little fingers, he pries off vents, or screening around an exhaust fan, and breaks into your attic. And yes, still wearing that cute little mask, he may also climb up your chimney and use it as his den for the cold winter. In bi-level and quad-level homes, where the roof lines meet, there is a natural gap, and guess who knows it? Raccoons will pry up the aluminum in the soffit or eave to gain entry into your attic as well. Still think he is so cute?
Once inside, the real issues start. Raccoons carry fleas and ticks and bring these in with them at no extra charge. They also will use your attic as a bathroom. Most infested attics are so damaged by raccoons, the insulation that is soaked with urine and odors needs to be replaced! The droppings left behind are also dangerous because Raccoons also carry roundworms, and these eggs are present in the dried droppings. These droppings should only be removed by a professional for safety.
Here are some simple preventative tips to help keep the masked intruder out of your home and save you thousands in damage. First, if you are feeding raccoons near your home, it needs to stop today. Also, bird feeders should be placed at the very rear of your property or stopped immediately. Make sure your garbage cans can be sealed off with a good lid to prevent any free meals here.
Prune any branches that can be used as a walkway onto your roof as soon as possible. Also, look for signs of the raccoon using your downspouts to get onto the roof. Yes, they do use these and shimmy up without a problem.
Other preventative measures should be handled by a pro such as installing a chimney cap, an exhaust vent cover, vent cap covers and screening from inside the attic. Inspecting the gaps of the bi and quad level homes, downspouts, and even pruning branches are just some of the services we offer.
If raccoons have gained entry, no worries we can evict them today. We set live traps near the point of entry and remove the invader without incident. We then can remove droppings, treat for fleas and ticks, and even can blow-in a fresh layer of insulation.
If you have been seeing raccoons too close to your home or have seen or heard them on your roof, call Guardian Pest Control today at 877-924-7878(PEST) for an inspection.