Who doesn’t love to see birds in our yards, sitting in our trees, singing and chirping? It can be very peaceful. So, we go out and buy feeders, build houses and install bird baths, and all as close as we can next to our homes so we can see them better. Well, that’s when the trouble starts.
Birds that are considered invasion pest species in our area are the English Sparrow, the European Starling, and the Pigeon. All believed to be brought over to our country either by accident on ships or on purpose for hunting. The populations have since grown beyond control. And if you notice, these are also the largest numbers of birds you see at the feeders and around your home. Even when trying to attract cardinals, finches, orioles and other birds, these birds show up!
Birds do what they do best, they nest. Our homes have plenty of areas they can use. Under eaves, light fixtures, holes in soffits above the gutter line. They also like more dangerous locations like our chimneys, stove and dryer vents where carbon monoxide can build up into our homes, and cause fires. Here are some tips to stop birds from making themselves at home in our homes!
These tips will not be easy to follow for bird lovers, but protecting your home and still seeing our feathered friends is our goal for you.
First, if you are feeding the birds, your feeders need to be moved to the furthest point of your property. Stop feeding is the best advice. Feeders also attract other pests like squirrels, opossums, and raccoons that come out at night and feed on the seed that has dropped to the ground. These are pests you also do not want near or in your home.
Second, remove your bird baths or install a pump that will cause a slight ripple to the surface of the water. IF not, these baths with nonmoving or stagnant water are also a breeding ground for mosquitos! Moving these away from the home is also a good idea. As birds feed and drink, they then perch up high and if not in a tree branch, it’s your gutters, roof, or other areas that give them a “birds eye view” and ideas of where to set up a nest when the time comes to raise young.
Third, have your home inspected for any openings that could cause the pest birds to nest or roost. The majority of bird invasions in homes are from starlings and sparrows. Pigeons will roost on roofs and the acid from their droppings cost millions of dollars in damaging shingles.
Fourth, have a professional seal off any openings into your soffits or eaves. In bi-levels and quad levels where the roof lines meet are also perfect openings for pests, even the larger raccoon. Dryer vent guards should be installed after careful inspection and cleaning of any possible lint or nesting material. Chimney caps should be installed to protect you from birds dropping in and will even keep out other climbing pests such as raccoons and squirrels.
We hope these tips can help you enjoy your birds, but also save you a lot of headaches and money by keeping them out of your home and properties. We offer inspections for bird management along with other invading pests. Call Guardian Pest Control today at 877-924-7878(PEST) assistance and don’t let your home “go to the birds.”