Learn About 3 Squirrels in Indiana in This Blog Article

Squirrel — Griffith, IN — Guardian Pest Control Squirrels are often seen as cute, friendly, and cuddly — however, squirrels can do a lot of damage to a home or property if left unchecked. Discover three squirrels in Indiana and the potential damage they could cause.


1. Gray Squirrel
This squirrel, also known as Sciurus carolinensis, is a common squirrel in Indiana, as well as throughout the United States. It is a tree squirrel and is mainly active at dawn and dusk. It uses its tail to balance itself and communicate with other gray squirrels. Despite its name, a gray squirrel also has white, black, and yellow hairs.


While gray squirrels do enjoy mostly wild food like berries, nuts, and insects, they also will enjoy field corn, which could prove inconvenient to farmers. They also like to eat from bird feeders, which can bring them close to people’s homes, as well as disrupt birds feeding. If you have fruit trees or ornamental plants in your yard, gray squirrels might target those as well.


Gray squirrels may enter homes through tree limbs and settle in the chimney or attic. Once there, they might damage insulation or wiring for nests. They might also eat on plywood or insulation if it contains sodium, which is a part of their diet in some seasons. Another problem they might cause is with their gnawing, which helps control their teeth but causes problems for homeowners.


If you have a gray squirrel on your property, you can have a professional trap it in a cage, remove it, and seal off your home’s entry points. For extra protection, consider adding deterrents like roof vent guards, chimney caps & tree pruning. If gray squirrels still like to eat from a bird feeder in your yard, consider switching that feeder to a squirrel-proof feeder or moving it to the very rear of your property.


2. Fox Squirrel
This squirrel is a large tree squirrel present throughout the state. It is known as Sciurus niger. This squirrel spends much of its time on the ground and is mostly active during the morning and afternoon. It prefers to nest in trees, especially during winter and for new litters. During other seasons, it settles down in dreys, or leaf nests. The fox squirrel’s fur color is a combination of black, brown, orange, and white.


Like other types of squirrels, fox squirrels like nuts, seeds, and berries, but fox squirrels will also enjoy eating from birdfeeders or grain crops, especially if they live nearby human populations. They also enjoy snacking on fruits like strawberries, which can be a potential danger to your garden.


Always let a professional take care of capturing fox squirrels and preventing them from coming again.


3. Pine Squirrel
This squirrel is found in Indiana but also in most of northern and western North America as well. It is made up of three species — Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Tamiasciurus douglasii, and Tamiasciurus mearnsi — and it is a regular-sized squirrel with brown and salt and pepper coloring. It is both good at climbing and swimming and speaks through a series of musical-sounding calls.


Pine squirrels do not hibernate during winter; in fact, they remain active during the cold months, though they do have reduced energy and activity.


The main threat of damage that pine squirrels can pose is to a person’s backyard and are notorious for getting into your walls from the outside. While their main source of food is pinecone seeds, they also enjoy eating fruits and nuts from bird feeders. Ensure that you squirrel-proof as much as possible, and call in an expert to remove a pine squirrel that has become too much of a nuisance.


Get in Touch With the Squirrel Removal Experts


If you have issues with squirrels in your home or on your property, you need professional help from Guardian Pest Control. We are qualified to trap & remove squirrels, as well as prevent them from returning. Reach out to us today.